


10/31 Thu. 19:30、11/1 Fri. 19:30
$1200、 $800 、 $500

一種錯位,因為談論未來或許是最好的一種談論現在的方式。在一個受控的微型世界中,機械扮演著生物學下的人工產物。一群受操控的男女,在燃燒的天地、混亂的世界中求生存。脆弱的人性在災難之地,堅持地活下去。是渴望飛翔的人們,還是被那些任意玩弄著慘痛經驗者所捕獲的天使? 在自由意志之中,在鬆手的愛與美之中,他們身上帶著,用以改變事物的力量。 而如果沒有什麼是不可改變的呢?
導演、編舞家 / 拉菲爾‧柏帖勒 Raphaëlle Boitel
劇團編舞家拉菲爾‧柏帖勒(Raphaëlle Boitel)六歲便開始了劇場生涯,八歲進入了國立法德里尼馬戲藝術學校。十四歲開始參與各種演出,包括劇場、電影、影片等,並曾在紐約、邁阿密以及倫敦各地巡演。2012年,她開始在Aurélien Bory旗下工作,開始創作自己的作品,並於2014創立了「劇場馬戲」式表演的劇場「遺忘」劇團(L’ Oublié(e))。2015年的作品《第五個喊叫》奠定了馬戲劇團的地位。
導演、編舞、舞蹈指導|Raphaëlle Boitel
藝術合作、舞臺設計、燈光設計|Tristan Baudoin
原聲配樂|Arthur Bison
服裝|Lilou Hérin
繩索、機械、舞臺設計監製|Nicolas Lourdelle
美術助理|Clara Henry
音效師|Arthur Bison
演  員|Alba Faivre  Loïc Leviel  Emily Zuckerman
           Lilou Hérin  Tristan Baudoin  Nicolas Lourdelle
           Clara Henry

When Angels Fall

Cie L’Oublié(e)
10/31 Thu. 19:30  11/1 Fri. 19:30
Ntua Performing Arts Center 
Ticket Price|1200 800 500
A dystopia… imagining the future may be the best way to look at the present. In a microcosm under heavy control, mechanics play the role of what was once biological. A group of men and women, survivors of a shattered world, wander between the sky and a scorched earth, manipulated. A disastrous world where frail humanity clings to life. Men aspiring to fly or angels caught by something that plays at their expense? More than characters, symbols. Carrying inside themselves, in their free will, in love and the beauty of letting go, the strength they need to change things. What if nothing was unchangeable?
Director & Choreographer Raphaëlle Boitel
Raphaëlle Boitel, the troupe choreographer, started her career at a tender age of 6 and was admitted to the National School of Circus Arts Fratellini by the time she turned 8. At the age of 14, Raphaëlle Boitel participated in a wide variety of performing arts, including theaters, movies, films, etc., and made performance tour in New York, Miami, and London. In 2012, she began working under Aurélien Bory and began creating her own work. In 2014, she founded the Contemporary Circus "The Forgotten" (L’Oublié(e)) and her work "Crying Out Loud" in 2015 laid a solid foundation on which the Contemporary Circus thrived and prospered.
Production Team
導演、編舞、舞蹈指導|Raphaëlle Boitel
藝術合作、舞臺設計、燈光設計|Tristan Baudoin
原聲配樂|Arthur Bison
服裝|Lilou Hérin
繩索、機械、舞臺設計監製|Nicolas Lourdelle
美術助理|Clara Henry
音效師|Arthur Bison
演  員|Alba Faivre  Loïc Leviel  Emily Zuckerman
           Lilou Hérin  Tristan Baudoin  Nicolas Lourdelle
           Clara Henry

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